We have a new Saturday Online Meeting in English!

The Saturday Online in English Al-Anon Family Group is a closed meeting (except for the first Saturday of the month) for friends and family of alcoholics. Our primary goal is to enable people to attend a meeting while participation in the physical meeting is not possible for them due to the current pandemic. If you have been affected by someone else’s use of alcohol (a parent or relative, a partner, a child, a friend, a boss, or someone else), Al-Anon may be the right place for you. Newcomers are welcome!

10:00–11:30 AM CET. The online room opens at 9:50 AM.

1st Saturday: Step of the month
2nd Saturday: Daily reading
3rd Saturday: Business meeting (30 minutes) and then regular sharing
4th Saturday: Tradition of the month
5th Saturday: Daily reading

The business meeting is held for 30 minutes on the third Saturday of the month.

Joining a Meeting
To join a meeting, you need to download Zoom, which we use to hold our meetings. That means you must register for your own, free Zoom account.

IMPORTANT: We use Zoom as a secure way to hold online meetings. We do not record meetings or compile any information about those who attend.

Logging In
Please send an e-mail to alanoninenglishsaturdayonline@gmail.com to get the login and password.


Wednesday Online in English meeting